!!! Update !!! 1.0.1

New controls. now you play with WASD, and hit with L

New fulscreen mode,

And some optimization

And bug fix, now you can't go through walls,

!!! Update !!! 1.0.2

Now there is a new intro cinematic wich you can skip clicking,

and there is a new menu.

!!! Update !!! 1.0.3

Added mini flow, a friend who follows you and can be upgraded!

!!! Update !!! 1.0.4 The floors update

- mini flow removed for being broken

- added fatty fly

-new floor added "the mansion"

- new enemies

- flows now have a shoot animation

- menu bug fixed

- new menu

- the waffle added

- new enemies variant ( small, normal, big, giant )

- attack hitbox is bigger.

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